Best Algerbra Teacher
By: Mckinley Cavello
So you must know from my last
Opinion I’m going to Twenty Nine Palms High School. I have this algebra teacher
(Miss. Mullen) who is just amazing. If it wasn’t for I probably be failing
right now but I’m not. I’m coming home with 100% on quizzes. You also must know form my last opinion that my
dad is in the military so I move a lot and last semester I was going to Yucca Valley
High School. There I had two different algebra teachers Mr. Canovo & Mr.
Berit. Know they were grate teachers but I didn’t understand what they were
teaching. I would like everyone to know that I don’t blame them for that I feel
as if that was my fault for not knowing what they were teaching. I guess every
teacher has their own way of teaching and Miss. Mullen’s was of teaching I was able
to understand.
So for my opinion Miss. Mullen is
the best algebra teacher ever.